


What is Rejuran Healer
Rejuran Healer is an injectable polynucleotide (PN) skin booster. Polynucleotide chains are DNA fragments that repair damaged dermal (skin) cells and assist in collagen stimulation. Rejuran is also known in the market as 婴儿针 (in Mandarin).

What are Polyneucleotides (PN)?
Polydeoxyribonuclotides (PDRN) has previously been used as a skin injectable for anti-ageing and hair growth treatments in Korea, and medically for skin regeneration purposes. PN is a purer and more concentrated form of PDRN and has stronger regenerative properties.
PN in Rejuran is extracted from Salmon DNA, which is known to have excellent biocompatibility with human skin without any immune response, thus making this skin rejuvenation treatment highly suitable for most people.
Rejuran comes in 3 forms.
Rejuran Healer for full face rejuvenation
Rejuran S for scar treatment
Rejuran I for under-eye rejuvenation.

It is suitable for:
- dry and dehydrated skin
- anti aging
- Dull skin
- Smoother skin, smaller pores
- Damaged skin
- Acne scars

Is Rejuran for anti-ageing, or is it for scar repair?
Trick question, because Rejuran treats BOTH! Besides Rejuran's anti-inflammatory effects that treat damage from factors such as sun exposure or acne, the collagen in Rejuran also improves skin texture and elasticity. These, and a whole host of other benefits!

Heal your skin with Rejuran!
- Promotes tissue restoration
- Optimised for depressed and acne scars
- Improves your physical appearance

REJURAN® is a skin booster that has regeneration effect restoring ECM to promote collagen secretion showing improvement in melasma, large pore and redness. REJURAN® can be combined with other aesthetic procedures such as Botulinum toxin, HA filler and threads to achieve enhanced effects to meet individual expectations.

Quick Effect
~Stabilizes skin immediately after administration and make quick effect from deep inside of skin
~Volume-up effect
~Minimum down time
~Daily life is available right after treatment
~Excellent safety
~No adverse reaction with high biocompatible substance

REJURAN Healer再生注射可以达到皮肤真皮层。REJURAN Healer再生注射的主要成分是PN可以针对皮肤再生能力的活性化改善皮肤内部环境,从根本上打造对细胞生长有利的环境,改善肌肤、肌肉弹性。
REJURAN Healer再生注射可以促进生成胶原蛋白,而不是简单补充胶原蛋白,这种直接促成声场胶原蛋白的方法,可以让肌肤真正重返18岁。REJURAN Healer再生注射还可以恢复肌肤水油平衡,减少角质,为皮肤生成一层保护膜。
REJURAN Healer丽珠兰再生注射,不仅在韩国女性中路人皆知,在国内也是很受女性信赖的。说起来REJURAN Healer丽珠兰再生注射不仅适用于想要得到少女般肌肤、改善肤质的女性,因过度照射紫外线所损伤皮肤的户外一族,细纹丛生的轻熟女,角质层较薄的敏感肌妹子,美容施术后产生皮肤不自然现象的MM,需要改善皮肤纹理和肤色、减少皮脂、收缩毛孔的人群,都是REJURAN Healer丽珠兰再生注射的适用者。

REJURAN Healer含有促使皮肤细胞再生的液体,是可以传达到皮肤真皮层的生体复合物质。其中的多核苷酸(PN, Polynucleotide)能够传达到受到损伤的皮肤内部,并改变受伤皮肤的内部生理条件从皮肤内部开始促进再生‘新概念皮肤康复治疗的方法’。

REJURAN (丽珠兰) 再生注射的最主要成分是多核苷酸,能够有效的改善皮肤内部结构,促进肌肤再生,让肌肤从内而外焕发活力,术后肌肤能够快速达到一种稳定状态,从而有效的解决皮肤暗沉、皮肤损伤、皮肤细纹等问题,让爱美女士重新焕发青春活力。


关于 REJURAN再生注射的Q&A
Q. REJURAN Healer注射要做几次才有效果?
A.隔2~3周注射一次, 注射四次左右满意度最高。
Q. REJURAN Healer注射后维持的时间是多久?
A. REJURAN Healer注射与现有的玻尿酸或肉毒素不同,是能使皮肤自身再生的一种注射,因此,从根本上解决手术后损伤皮肤的情况,具有持续性效果。
Q. 接受REJURAN Healer手术还有其他的好处吗?
A. REJURAN Healer是可以注射到整个面部所需要的部位。特别是在比较困难的而且很薄的皮肤的周围效果较好的皮肤再生注射。
Q. REJURAN Healer有什么副作用吗?
A. REJURAN Healer注射是通过分划DNA无过度增生即可让皮肤正常化的一种注射,所以不必担心会有任何副作用。
Q.那REJURAN Healer是不是也跟玻尿酸,肉毒素一样时间长了变回原样呢?
A.REJURAN Healer与玻尿酸,肉毒素不同,它是改善皮肤根本结构,因此它的施术效果是永久性的。
Q.REJURAN Healer与玻尿酸有什么区别?
A.很多人会误认为REJURAN Healer是玻尿酸的一种,其实非也。它们主要成分就不同,玻尿酸是一种糖醛酸可以锁住大量水分,注入皮肤之后会让皮肤水嫩光滑。由于其安全性,过一段时间皮肤会自然吸收掉玻尿酸。
Q.REJURAN Healer打一次就可以改变皮肤吗?还是一直长期打下去?
A.都不是,专家建议2~3周的间隔 前后打4次效果为最佳,根据术后管理情况效果更佳。
